Games Pictures
I was hired at Cedar Point to work in Gemini Unball in the Games department. I worked in the Gemini Area games for about a month and realized I couldn't handle it anymore. I requested a transfer around the end of May. Because the high schooler's weren't out of school yet I had to stay in Games until mid June. They transferred me to Fascination for about two weeks before I moved on to Camp Snoopy. I loved Games, and all of the awesome people there that I met, but I just couldn't handle the job.
This is Aaron hard at work, or hardly working as I liked to call it. He was a Games Maintenance man. This picture is a picture of one of God's blessings. Aaron was the best blessing in my life. It is such a great story of how we met too. I goto Geneva College, and one girl that came to work at the point with us is Jamie. Jamie worked Area 1 in Alley Cats. She quit in May because of too many hours. Well I called her at home one day because she was thinking of coming back up. While I was talking to her, she told me she met a great guy named Aaron from games maintenance. So I wrote his name on my hand and was like whatever. So, I get to work that day, and I walk in Fascination and one of my friends told me Aaron stopped by. Any other day I would have been like who is Aaron, but Jamie just told me, totally God!! Anyway to make a long story short, Aaron is a great man of God. We spent a lot of time together getting to know each other, and becoming great friends. We truly bonded thanks to Christ. Praise God for you Aaron!!!
This is Chad. I met him while we were working in Area 3 Gemini games, but he was transferred to Fascination. Well I got transferred there too, and so we became friends. This is him on the Fascination mic.
Good old Brad. This is Brad. He is the guy who hired me to work at Cedar Point. This is him at the Lunar Luau. We ended on the wrong note because he is the guy that wouldn't let Jamie come back to work to goto Park Op. From what I heard from other Games people, Brad was a jerk by the end of the season.
This is Deanna. She worked in the office, but because we were so short handed she ended up working in Gemini Games.
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