If you are looking for Beach Reach 2000 pictures from the first week, you are at the right place. It may take a few mins for the pictures to load. I put them on several different pages to load faster. First a little about what Beach Reach is. On March 11, 2000, six students and one leader from Geneva College, and also students from three other schools, California University of Pennsylvania, Carson-Newman College, and Oral Roberts University, started off on a trip to Daytona Beach. This was all sponsored by Halifax Baptist and led by an awesome guy named Ben, YEAH BEN!!! WOO!! When we got to Florida we unloaded and handed out bookmarks with that week's events. During the week we put on a Free Pancake Breakfast for anyone that happened to be in the the area of our hotel, the Comfort Inn on A1A. The first day we used about 75 pounds of pancake mix, and on Wednesday we served about 1,000 people. (See pictures) The breakfast was free for anyone who wanted it, and it ran from 9 AM - 11 AM. Some guys from a church volunteered their free time in the morning to cook. Because they were generous enough we as the students had the opportunity to go out and mingle with anyone that was eating. Conversations were started up and relationships were getting started. It was really awesome because going down I thought no one would talk, but amost every person was willing to talk and have a conversation. When people asked us why were were there or how we could give out free pancakes we told them that we loved Jesus and that He loves them. That usually shocked people, but from there we could go into the entire gospel message. After breakfast we had some campus time and then ate lunch. After lunch each of the four colleges split up and did different things from 1 PM - 4 PM. The different things were: working the sunburn unit, this involved sitting in the sunburn unit on the beach and handing out free suntan lotion, free water, and free aloe to anyone that wanted it, beach games, where we would go and start up a game or join other games on the beach, we had these really awesome frisbee's called slip disks that had the entire gospel message on the flip side of it, and street teams, where we would go on the street or the beach and walk up to someone and talk to them. After the afternoon activites, we had an hour to get ready for dinner and our worship service. We went to Calvary Baptist Church and they supplied us with dinner and a place to have worship. After worship we went back to the Comfort Inn to split up into two groups. Half of us stayed at the hotel to have a coffeehouse for anyone that wanted to come. At the coffeehouse, we had snacks, soda, and music. While there we could easily start up conversations with people and build other relationships. The other half of students went out and did street ministry or prayer walked. After we were finished with the coffeehouse or street team, around 1 AM, the students from Geneva went back up to our hotel floor, which happened to be the worst in the hotel, and started up relations with the people on our floor. It was really awesome getting to know the people on our floor and showing them that we could have fun without alcohol or sex. We thought they would disrespect us and persecute us, which they did the first day, but once we got to know each other we showed them that we are different, yes, but that we are also into having fun.
That's the trip in a nutshell even though it may sound boring written down it was truly awesome. God was so good to us there and each one of us that went has so many stories. I'll include captions under each picture that can describe more about our trip. God Bless and I hope you enjoy the pictures! Email me if you have any questions at all about our trip. If I can't answer it I'll forward it to someone who can. If you have any pictures you want to put on my site or have a link to them just email me it and I'll make an attempt. Also, Ben is sending a CD with tons of pictures so I'll get them up as soon as I get a copy of it. Enjoy!