Here is page 5!
This is Benney. He was so encouraging all week. He goes to ORU and is majoring in evangelism. We all remember his major because it is one of the few that hardly anyone takes. :) We love you Benney!!
Accidents do happen that's for sure. This is what our van looked like after a Mercades hit into us. I won't go into it anymore as to keep persons responsible confidential. :)
This is a picture from one of the nights at the coffeehouse.
They are choice. They are awesome. They ROCK. Jeannette found these guys on the beach on Monday. They kind of stuck out because first of all they were clothed more than the average spring breaker, kind of like us, they were working on a HUGE sandcastle, and the back of their shirts had Bible verses on them. They talked and we ended up working with them for the rest of week. These guys ROCK!! Visit their site, it's on my homepage. I can't wait to see them all again!! SCORE!
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