Can we even believe that the Fall Semester is just around the corner? Before school starts, however, I'm going to New Mexico for a conference at the Glorieta Conference Center. I'm really excited because I haven't been farther west than Ohio! I'll get some pictures up as soon as I return. Soon I will be moving back onto campus, and I'm going to be a Senior. How outrageous is that?! I'm going to be having the Special Education Block in the fall and Student Teaching in the spring! I'm living in Geneva Arms 203 with Jeremy Lang, Jake Murray, and Bob Dewieese. The nice thing about the Arms is that there is a stove and air conditioning in there. I'm finished with all of my summer course work that I was taking at CCAC and WCCC. Praise the Lord! I'm still planning to make some trips to Cedar Point as well as Kennywood this summer. If you didn't know Kennywood just got a great new ride, Phantom's Revenge. It is a great ride, tons of air time! I'm a huge coaster freak. Just go to the Links page at the left and check out all the coaster sites!
As you can see I have revamped the entire website. This is a more cleaner and easier to read format. I like it a lot. I swipped it off of someone else though :) Check out all it has to offer, I'm working on making this the best site I can with as little time as I have. The picture page will be updated very soon!! Check out all the other pictures, Cedar Point, New York City mission trip, Wal-Mart fun pics, and any others.
I've finally went out and taken that leap of faith. On Wednesday, May 9, 2001 at 6:30 pm I was baptized. I've been a Christian for many years, but never thought I needed to get baptized because I was as an infant. My pastor, Jay Passavant, at North Way Christian Community had us listen to a sermon on tape about baptism and I decided it was for me. Here is one picture, Click the link to see the other two.
Thanks again for visiting and have a great day. Also if you wanna chat, I have AOL IM. My nick is Shoega, MSN my nick is Shoewee, and Yahoo! Messenger is shoegabalooga. Thanks for visiting my small world of the net and come back soon, I'm always changing the site! Catch ya later, and God Bless you.