The land of all my

Crazy Pictures!
Tons of pictures.


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- Newest Pictures -

New Page    (July 29th, 2001 @ 9:00pm)

    Pictures are in date order from newest (at the top) to the oldest (at the bottom of the list). I have so many pictures to upload and put on the website, Nichole Nordeman, Jennifer Knapp, and a whole lot more! Keep coming in.

    North Way's Easter Drama
    Click the church above and look at the pictures taken from the Easter program.

    Cedar Point Pictures
    Click here for Season 2000 pictures from Cedar Point.

    WalMart Fun Pics
    WalMart Pics...Check out how much fun you can have at WalMart!

    Beach Reach Pictures 2000.
    Here are the pictures from Extreme Life Beach Reach 2000!!!!

    Pictures from my New York missions trip.
    These are pictures from the 1999 Mission trip to New York City. Check 'em out!!

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